Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Love amongst Mother and Daughter

An Image that has made an impact on me is this one, where it shows a three year old daughter (Rana Afghanipour) kissing her mother (Somayeh Mehri). Somayeh’s husband attacked both mother and daughter with acid when they were sleeping after Somayeh had the courage to ask for a divorce after being beat and locked up. This picture is so powerful that it made an impact on me because it shows how much love both share amongst each other and it shows not only through the kiss but the way the daughter is hugging her mother. It shows a daughter and a mother that stick together no matter the circumstances. I think that if this image was a recording it would have the same impact on me or even more because then I would be able to see more than just the connection and love they share other than just this picture. 

1 comment:

  1. The image is certainly dramatic and your description a good one. Certainly being about to emerge from some awful abuse is inspiring as well especially in a culture which does not value female independence.

    Please move your linklists below the "about me" section -- and set up 3 photoshop related topics: i.e. photoshop tutorials, photographers, designers? thanks
